商业推广三折宣传册. 创意商业代理广告宣传册设计与深品红的颜色. 营销代理宣传海报及三折宣传册设计. Business tri...
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万圣节派对庆祝传单 by muhamadiqbalhidayat

Hello !感谢访问最好的和独特的传单,海报,邀请设计为您的下一个活动. 易于修改,更改颜色,文字.所有模板都很容易定制,组织良好...
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Canva活动票证模板 by DesignDevisers

可编辑和打印的事件门票. 这些自制的活动门票对于学校戏剧来说是完美的, concerts, community events, family events, and so much more!
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名片设计模板和准备打印易于编辑, all you need to know is the very basics of photoshop or ai to change the text and It's print ready!!! Files Included With Every...
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发票是一种重要的文件,应由企业所有人发给买方. It’s a proof for sale transaction, indicating the products, quantity, agreed prices, payment method,...
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名片详细信息- adobephotoshopcs4版本. -圆形/方形角可能. — Easy to edit. — Landscape Design. -优化打印/ 300 dpi. — CMYK color mode. — 3.5 x...
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名片详细信息- adobephotoshopcs4版本. -圆形/方形角可能. — Easy to edit. — Landscape Design. -优化打印/ 300 dpi. — CMYK color mode. — 3.5 x...
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* Ai File* Ai Cs4 File* Eps File* Eps 10 File* PSD File* Read me File (Font Info)All images are used for preview purposes only and are NOT included in the download file.
Varos -名片模板

Varos -名片模板 by HolographStudio

* Adobe Illustrator (.Ai)* EPS File (.Eps)* Adobe Photoshop (.Psd)* PDF File (.Pdf)* Read me File (Font Info)All images are used for preview purposes only and are NOT included in the download file.
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Rental Car Flyer Template
A creative professional flyer / poster template is perfect for promoting Car rental offers with elegant print-ready design. 您也可以将此模板用于任何其他服务...
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企业形象模板下载- AI, EPS, PSD, PDF格式


A company's ability to present itself to the public or show its professionalism through printed or digital assets is what makes them so popular and desirable.

A corporate identity template can refer to anything from flyers to brochures to business cards to infographics, 所有这些都是展示公司的有效方式.

在当今的数字时代, 这些资产的使用正在急剧增加, 几乎到了必须拥有的地步.

However, 作为企业标识模板需要有专业的外观, 他们的创作依赖于专业软件, 这需要设计和使用方面的专业知识.

如果这不是你的情况,因为你是初学者或根本没有经验, 您可以考虑购买一个现成的模板.


在templatemmonster市场中,你可以找到很多 企业形象模板.

Each template has a professional look and is designed by experts using professional software, 保证完美的功能和外观.

Although all the templates are ready to use, most of them are also fully editable and customizable. 这意味着您可以使用兼容的编辑程序来更改它们的颜色, shapes, or overall designs easily,

随着市场呈现出成千上万的图像, 让你的研究更直接, 您可以按主题筛选结果, file format, compatibility, price range, rating, and more. 这样,你只会得到你真正感兴趣的设计.


模板与许多主题相关. Thus, 无论你或你的公司从事什么行业, 你会找到一个相应的能够满足任何需要或偏好. 以下是你可能遇到的一些最常见的话题:

  • business;
  • sports;
  • photography;
  • medical;
  • food;
  • real estate;
  • animals;
  • computers;
  • entertainment.

File formats

模板有不同的格式. So you can pick and choose one or more according to your preferences and use them for whatever purpose you want. For example, 如果您打算使用Adobe Illustrator对某个模板进行更改, AI文件格式是满足您需求的正确解决方案.

The following are some of the most popular file formats you can find throughout the marketplace:

  • AI;
  • EPS;
  • PSD;
  • PDF;
  • DOCX;
  • JPG;
  • INDD.


As aforementioned, most of the 企业形象模板 are completely editable and customizable. 您可以根据自己的喜好或需要更改设计的任何元素.

The following are some of the most popular compatible programs you can use to edit the templates:


您可以将公司模板用于不同的目的. 根据您的需求,这里列出了最常见的用途:


Many reasons explain why many people prefer to buy 企业形象模板 instead of creating them from scratch by themselves.


Simple to use

购买模板的首要优势之一是它的易用性. Having access to a wide range of ready-made design options will give you the flexibility to choose, 不需要编程或配置任何东西. This will make it simpler to find an appropriate template that you can use right away for any of your digital or printed assets.

Easy to edit

除了易于使用之外,模板还易于编辑和自定义. You can easily open them in any compatible editing program and start changing any aspect or element you like or need. 当你有一个现成的结构化布局, you'll only have to edit the personal information and make slight changes to give it a design that matches your brand.


通常,模板是由专家使用某些复杂的程序设计的. 这意味着你可以利用专业的工作, 即使你是一个初学者或没有任何设计经验.

Time and money savings

如果你不知道怎么自己做, 聘请一个网页设计师来创建一个企业形象模板可能是昂贵的, 这需要大量的时间. Instead, buying a template will save you money (some templates are even available at less than $10) and time, as you’ll be able to buy, download, and use it immediately.

Support available

The possibility of having a support service included in a pre-designed template is another benefit. The assistance desk can assist you with any questions you may have and assist you in resolving any issues that may arise during the editing or usage of our templates.

Ready to print

有时,您可能需要打印您的企业标识材料. 在这种情况下,为了节省时间,最好使用可打印的格式. 这样,您就不需要调整大小并使它们合适. You will find that most of the templates available on the internet are designed keeping printing in mind. 因此,您可以立即打印它们.


在为您的公司选择模板时, regardless of the asset, 你需要考虑一些重要的细节,这将决定它的成功.

To help you out, 我们在下面列出了一些为您的业务选择合适模板的最佳提示.


在选择不同的模板时,您应该根据它们的设计进行选择. 换句话说,要注意它们呈现的颜色、形状和整体风格. 你选择的设计选项应该与你的品牌和其他数字资产相匹配, including your website.

Program compatibility

当您打算编辑模板并使用特定程序时, 你必须选择一个与那个程序兼容的. 要确保发生这种情况,请检查文件格式的可用性. For example, 如果您打算使用adobeillustrator进行编辑, 你需要确保模板在AI文件格式中可用.

No drastic changes needed

几乎每个人都喜欢购买模板,而不是自己创建, mainly because of the time factor and having a structured layout that only requires altering their personal information. 当您选择需要进行重大更改的模板时, it will take a longer time, in addition to paying more money to subscribe to software or hire a professional if you're inexperienced.


特别是当涉及到数字产品时,你需要他们做出反应. In other words, 它们应该很容易适应任何类型的屏幕格式, 用户应该能够在任何设备上清楚地查看和阅读它们. 因此,您必须确保您选择的模板具有此特性.


建立强大的企业形象, 你应该确定哪些材料可以帮助你达到这个目的.



宣传册是介绍公司的宣传文件, product, 或服务,并描述其对潜在客户的好处. The brochure is a powerful marketing tool that can boost your performance and business conversions.

该产品在数字和印刷产品上都能很好地工作. 因此,你有更大的机会让人们了解你的企业.


传单是张贴的海报或单张,以吸引人们对商业推广的注意, a product, an event, or a service.

传单是接触新客户的好方法,因为它们很便宜, easy to make, 而且只印在一面.

这取决于你想如何分享它们:在线或亲自, through email, in window displays, etc.

Business cards

名片是代表你公司的小卡片. 以及提供重要的联系信息,如姓名, title, email, website, address, and phone number, 它们通常是消费者看到公司整体形象的第一个机会.

Furthermore, the logo, font, color, 用纹理来象征所代表的行业类型.

虽然你不会通过名片讲述公司的全部故事, 它们仍然是展示专业形象的绝佳方式.

Project proposal

A project proposal is a document used to define a project, whether it is internal or external. In the project proposal, you are primarily trying to get the client to decide to work with you. Thus, it can be used to win new clients or persuade executives to allocate resources to projects.

文档包含title等部分, start and end dates, objectives and goals, requirements, 并对所提出的解决方案进行了描述.


信头是在纸张或信纸顶部的标题. 通常,它包含公司标志、公司名称、地址和联系信息.

Besides letters, 信笺抬头对发票特别有用, meeting announcements, legal documents, 以及商务相关的信息沟通.

精心设计的信笺就像公司的信笺, 所以信纸看起来更加正式和专业. Hence, regardless of its size, 每个企业都应该为每一份重要文件配上信头.


如果您的项目需要多个模板, 单独购买它们可能会很贵, other than time-consuming.

A subscription to the og体育首页ONE 在这种情况下,计划可能是一个更方便的解决方案. 它将允许您无限下载 企业形象模板 以及许多其他由专业人士设计的数字图形.





企业形象的基本要素是标志, typography, color scheme, imagery style, design grids, and icons.


Brand identity refers to the perception of a particular product or service a company provides. Corporate identity refers to the perception of the entire company, not just the product or service.


A corporate identity is creating a company's visual identity and the design that goes into it.


企业形象材料 are all those visual graphic products that provide a uniform image of a business, 比如名片和宣传册.